Instead of going on dates on Valentine’s Day, the students came up with their own outreach program.
15 Feb 2016
The concept of Charity is more than just being generous to donate to others, sharing what we have or giving to those who are in need. The deeper value behind this concept involves showing our utmost concern to society and caring about its well-being. Helping out the less-privileged is just one way of showing that concern because there are a lot of opportunities on how to promote charity rather than the usual money-giving. Simple gestures can already entail a lot, most especially if one decides to volunteer for a fund-raising event or even to teach and share one’s talents to the community.
Instead of going on dates on Valentine’s Day, the students came up with their own outreach program, where they hosted a day filled with great food, fun interaction, games and other activities for the children in one of the youth homes.